Magazine Article | July 1, 2003

VAR Overcomes Credit Processing Challenges For Theme Park

Business Solutions, July 2003

The Skandia Family Center is a small amusement park that offers various theme park attractions. Until recently, GateMaster, Skandia's VAR, offered a legacy payment processing application that allowed users of its software to take credit card payments at the point of sale. Using the legacy application, however, many same-dollar-amount charges during the day resulted in declined transactions. (Some processors interpret multiple same-dollar-amount charges on a single credit card number in a single day as duplicate charges, so they will then deny the charge.) Because many of the attractions at the park require the purchase of tickets for admission, this was a problem for Skandia.

After an exhaustive search for an alternate payment processing application, GateMaster found X-Charge from CAM Commerce Solutions (Fountain Valley, CA). X-Charge allowed GateMaster to override the limitation of the legacy solution. Another benefit is the speed at which X-Charge processes transactions. An amusement park can get very crowded, and people do not like standing in lines. X-Charge offers the merchant 2- to 3-second approval times when processing credit cards.

GateMaster has realized benefits by enrolling as an X-Charge solution provider. For instance, it now receives real-time product support. The biggest benefit of all, however, is that it receives residual income on every credit card transaction processed through the system.