Guest Column | October 12, 2010

Email And e-Discovery: Tips For Archiving Elusive Digital Content

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Guest Column: Email And e-Discovery: Tips For Archiving Elusive Digital Content

By Jim Thumma, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Optical Image Technology

The Association of Records Managers and Administrators website ( indicates about 90% of records created today are digital, with most growth in communications attributed to email and instant messaging. Not surprisingly, AIIM's 2010 State of the ECM Industry survey shows managing electronic records (including email) is one of the highest priorities for organizations implementing ECM. Over 56% of respondents have limited confidence that emails documenting staff commitments are recorded, complete, and retrievable. Although 88% have policies for email usage and content, many lack strategies for managing email for routine processing or recordkeeping.

Effective email management ends cumbersome searches. Communications are retrieved securely and instantly. ‘Effective' is the operative word: it depends on choosing technology that's right for you and assembling the right team to implement it. This checklist will help you to choose software that meets your needs.

Although the imaginary visage of a colorful digital sentry overseeing and guarding important communications and may sound enticing, success requires a well-conceived strategy and solid technology that can implement it. An email management system that is part of integrated ECM leaves nothing to chance, following your rules consistently and ensuring communications are handled and guarded appropriately. With an efficient (and effective!) curatorial system in place for your email communications, maybe you'll even have some spare time to enjoy a digital game or two.

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Guest Column: Email And e-Discovery: Tips For Archiving Elusive Digital Content