News Feature | February 4, 2015

Manufacturing And Warehousing IT News For VARs 2-4-15: IoT Opportunities

By Trisha Leon, contributing writer

Manufacturing And Warehousing IT News For VARs — January 7, 2014

In the news, your manufacturing IT clients could be seeking solutions that help control energy costs this year, and the IoT has potential for manufacturing, but it also creates a potential market for IT solutions providers to sell security solutions.

Energy Costs, Globalization Predicted To Affect Manufacturing Profitability

A infographic gives a comprehensive outlook for manufacturing in 2015. Energy costs and globalization are major factors predicted to affect profitability and business expenditures, while the manufacturing employment base is expected to grow by 1.5 percent.

Opportunities From the IoT For Your Clients — And For You

The article, “How IoT is changing enterprise security,” in ZDNet explains that the Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly changing the security landscape in business and manufacturing. Author Connor Forrest shares what tech decisions makers should know about the IoT and its effects on the security enterprise. According to Forrest, “The Internet of Things presents new technological opportunities across the board. And, if properly implemented, could present a host of new opportunities for your business as well.”

Manufacturing IT Talking Points

According to Manufacturers’ Monthly, the manufacturing sector in China decreased in January, the first time in 27 months. Matt McDonald writes in the article, “China manufacturing decreases for first time in over two years,” that “[t]he (Chinese) government is using tax breaks and infrastructure projects to attempt to boost the economy. It is prioritizing jobs growth and aims to create 10 million jobs this year.” It is yet unclear how this will affect the U.S. and its strengthened manufacturing sector.

Tom Voss, senior consultant at Daniel Penn Associates explains in the Industry Week article, “Value Stream Mapping: Lessons from the Front,” that value stream maps (VSMs) have become a common business tool. He explains the process behind VSMs and how to make a VSM less burdensome and more relevant to a company’s future plan. Voss states, “The knowledge your organization gains in mapping a current-state VSM makes the time you invest to develop it — and to define your ideal future state process — well worthwhile.”

On the heels of recent major cyber-attacks—like the Sony hack—the U.S. government is increasing spending on cybersecurity. According to IT World, the White House is seeking “14 billion -- a 10% increase over the current fiscal year” to defend U.S. cybersecurity systems. Originally appearing in Computer World the article, “White House wants 10% hike in cybersecurity spending,” states that the aims of this increase are simplifying certain government processes and modernizing agency systems, among other goals.

For more news and insights, visit BSMinfo’s Manufacturing And Warehousing Tech Center.